Monday, October 4, 2010

Nancy Bodmer of Bodmer's Pottery explains the process of making a Commemorative Gift Plate

Nancy Bodmer - owner of Bodmer's Pottery
For over 32 years, Nancy Bodmer has been making commemorative plates as gifts for weddings, births, anniversaries, new homes, family trees and more. Here, she explains the commemorative plate making process.
First , I wedge, weigh and make the plate on my potter's wheel. Then create the design using an ancient technique called sgraffito, where I carve away the slip to allow the red clay to be the wording/outline. Next is decorating the plate with color, a clear glaze and then in the kiln it fires for 8 hours at almost 2000 degrees. Voila, the finished product. As a former dental hygienist I enjoy the detail work but much prefer clay over saliva. For the past 32 years, artistry leads the way in my chosen profession.
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